Unexpected Brexit

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

Well... we did not really expect it to happen but now it is our reality - UK will be out of the European Union. Many people are in shock which is reflected in huge drops on the stock markets ( especially European ).

But should we really be so afraid and concerned with it ?

I do not think so.

But the most important question is whether the life of English people will be better after this exit will be executed ?

And again I will say: I do not think so.

Why ?

Well... those who are in power in the current system are and will be there afterwards. They will continue doing so and people will do little about it. The only thing that they will need now is to get the visa to travel to UK. But as we know from the past experiences once you have money that is not a problem at all. And so maybe UK will have more money because they will not pay the EU membership fees but I am certain that this money will not get into the pockets of the people but as always they will end up in the hands of the gangsters ( bankers and corporations ).

Yes... we have people coming together to vote against something. But we do not see people coming together and living the principle of "love thy neighbour as thyself". And that is why I do not see that the life of people in UK will be better after the exit from EU.


Written: 2016 - June - 24   Published: 2017 - Aug - 14      © Copyright - Greg Wiater